Lusco 2021

White Wine Crianza, 6 months with its fine less


Rías Baixas

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40,50 €

81,00 €

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Color and Appearance: Vino que presenta un brillante color amarillo pálido con destellos verdosos.
Nose / Aroma: Potente en nariz con aromas a futas como la manzana golden, el membrillo y a la flor de acacia, con un fondo mineral.
Mouth / Flavors: En boca frutal, limón verde, untuoso a la par que con una excelente acidez.
Kind of wine: White Wine Crianza
Grape Varieties: 100% Albariño
Vintage: 2021
Ageing: 6 months with its fine less
Alcohol: 13% vol
Formats: 0,75L
Production: 45.000 bottles
Soils: Granito descompuesto, moderadamente ácidos y profundos, que permiten un excelente drenaje de las abundantes lluvias de la zona.
Grape harvest: Manual

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Lusco 2021


Pazos de Lusco

Adega Pazos de Lusco is one of the most renowned wineries of the Rías Baixas D.0. (Denomination of Origin, or certified wine-growing region), its renown sweeping across the rest of Spain after discovering its white wines to be one of Galicia's great treasures.

The Albariño winery boasts a historic location. It is presided over by the Pazo Piñeiro, a 16th-century complex featuring a chapel, barn and stables typical of the stately rural life forming part of Galician history. Its wines were produced there until 2009, when this work was transferred to new facilities, a modern and functional winery just steps away.

During this time specialized media sources have firmly established Pazos de Lusco's position as an industry leader, including the Peñín Guide, which in its latest edition issued high marks to its Lusco 92 points.

The current winery was designed to turn out wines of the highest quality. To this end it employs the very best resources available, including a series of carefully selected barrels, of French cooperage, in which the label's most exclusive wines are aged.

The ancestral elaboration methods the winery has observed ever since its beginnings also ensure that Pazos de Lusco wines rank among the most distinctive among those bearing the Rías Baixas D.O. seal. In other words, they conserve the style of history's great Albariño wines.


Located in the heart of the Rías Baixas region, in the subregion of Tea County, Adega Pazos de Lusco enjoys an extraordinary location, with a warm, marine climate, terrain featuring gentle hills, and soil with a sandy composition, rich in clay, limestone and granite.

Grupo González Byass

  • Denomination of Origin
  • Winery